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Corporation Ethical Management

Ethical Management

We take the SKMS as the basis of corporate governance and create values for the related parties such as clients and shareholders to play key roles for the betterment of society and economic development and make a contribution to the happiness of humankind.

Enactment of Code of Ethics and Code of Ethics Guide as the criteria for business management behavior and value judgment
Ethical Management
‘Ethical Management’ refers to business administration which takes ethical responsibility as well as economic and legal responsibilities as its basic obligations and pursues the observance of corporate ethics as the principles of conduct.

Meaning of SKC’s Ethical Management
All SKC employees take the SKMS as the basis of corporate governance and create values for the related parties such as clients and shareholders to play key roles for the betterment of society and economic development and make a contribution to the happiness of humankind.
For this, we have enacted the Code of Ethics and Code of Ethics Guide as the criteria for business management behavior and value judgment. We target to build open and transparent SKC by dutifully observing them.